Monday, January 10, 2011

My current travels have taken me far to do work in US Virgin Islands on St. Croix, Hargeisa and Berbera, Somalia/Somaliland, Axum, Ethiopia and Okinawa, Japan (where I hope to return in 2011 for more consulting) where I have led some exciting development and capacity building initiatives.

Assistive technology for persons with disabilities at the Virgin Islands University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, based on St. Croix, is where I have been managing a $500K federal grant as assistant director for the past year. It also includes serving as project director of a Cornell University ADA Call Center and Training program for the territory.

As a USAID/IREX consultant, I was the lead trainer for its "Uniting Communities,Mitigating Conflict" project working with 30 women and youth participants from community-based organizations in Hargeisa, Puntland and South Central (Mogadishu) to produce 90 deliverables in the form of short videos, PSAs, radio shorts and long video documentaries. (See above pix of me at "The Breasts" landmark twin peaks gateway to Hargeisa; and below on a "garden" set at the national Somaliland Radio and TV studio)

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